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Tier 1 Citizen was conceived out of a desire to offer focused training that is student-centric and is dedicated to helping you realize your potential. I used to offer training classes, but, now I offer my knowledge through my various social media channels. Being a solid Tier 1 Citizen is about more than just owning firearms. Training with those weapons correctly, matters.
My name is Abner Miranda, I'm a forever student, and a patriot of our beloved Republic. People often ask me what my background is. I tell them what I'm about to tell you. I used to be a cop but that means nothing in relation to my attained knowledge. What passes for training in law enforcement is laughable!
Please listen to what I'm saying; just because someone used to wear a uniform and carry firearms for a living, does not qualify them to offer firearms instruction. As a consumer, you must discern between hype and reality. Relevance in training is all that matters. That is to say that the instructor with whom you are training must offer something that is relevant to your daily existence, otherwise they're just wasting your time.
In my considerable experience, I've found that the private citizen has always been, and will always be at the fore, in the defense of our nation. The most squared away patriots I've ever trained with have been welders, plumbers, doctors, nurses, stay-at-home moms, HVAC repairmen, truck drivers, etc. Why? Because we, the armed citizens, have to do this out of pocket, and that forces us to be discerning in how we invest our training dollars. Remember that just owning firearms makes you armed and dangerous, to yourself. Owning firearms and being trained, makes you dangerous, to the enemy.
Few persons in the firearms training industry possess a training resume as diverse as mine. My training file is absolute, expansive, and still growing. To date, I've attended 87 courses (and counting) in varying disciplines. Below is a sampling of just some of the training I've attended which I draw from for my lesson plans, and training videos.
Costa Ludus: Vehicle Elements Theory
Executive Resources International: Dignitary & Executive Protection
FBI: Basic & Advanced Crisis Negotiations/Specialty Topics
Handgun Combatives: Adaptive Combat Pistol
Handgun Combatives: Combative Pistol
Handgun Combatives: Advanced Combative Pistol
Handgun Combatives: Critical Space Pistol
High Caliber Training: Remington Rifle 1 (Precision Rifle)
High Caliber Training: Roger’s Range
Lighthorse Tactical: Tactical Operator Training - Tac Firearms 2
Mike Pannone: Hybrid Handgun
Modern Samurai Project: AIWB + RDS Pistol / Path to Performance
Personal Survival Solutions: Close Range Rifle/Carbine 1-3
Personal Survival Solutions: Covert Protective Pistol 1-4
Personal Survival Solutions: Covert Protective Pistol Applied Tactics
Personal Survival Solutions: Scout Marksman
Personal Survival Solutions: Intermediate Distance Rifle
Personal Survival Solutions: Protective Armed Measures
Personal Survival Solutions: Protective Shotgun I
Sentinel Concepts & Centrifuge Training: Vehicle Low Light CQB
Tactical Defense Institute: Active Killer
Tactical Defense Institute: Handgun 1-5
Tactical Defense Institute: Tactical Rifle 1-3
Tactical Defense Institute: Tactical Shotgun
Tactical Response: Fighting Pistol
Tactical Response: Fighting Rifle
Tactical Response: Immediate Action Medical
Talon Defense: Carbine Skill Builder
Talon Defense: Carbine Tactics
Talon Defense: Carbine Tactics & Movement
Talon Defense: Concealed Carry Handgun
Talon Defense: Defensive Carbine
Talon Defense: Defensive Handgun
Talon Defense: Handgun Tactics
Talon Defense: Low Light Handgun & Carbine
Talon Defense: Street Defense
Talon Defense: Vehicle Defense (Handgun / Carbine / Low Light)
Talon Defense: Vehicle Defense & Counter Ambush (Handgun / Carbine / Low Light)
Talon Defense: Injured Shooter (Handgun / Carbine / Low Light)
Talon Defense & Ditch Medicine: Basic & Advanced Combat Casualty Care
Valor Ridge: Pistolcraft 1
Valor Ridge: Rifleman 1
Valor Ridge: Neighborhood Defense
Valor Ridge: Fireteam Tactics
Valor Ridge: Midrange Rifle
Vickers Tactical: LE/MIL CQB
Wartac CQC: Arm's Length Gunfighting
Wartac CQC: Close Quarter Pistol
Way of the Gun: Performance Carbine
Way of the Gun: Performance Pistol
Way of the Gun: Performance Carbine & Pistol